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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth

Here are the top 10 home remedies for yellow teeth.

1. Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the best ingredients that you can use to get rid of yellow teeth. It will help remove plaque and make your pearly whites shine.
  • Add a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in a little toothpaste. Brush your teeth with this gritty mixture and rinse with warm water. Use it once or twice a week.
  • Alternatively, you can combine baking soda with lemon juice, white vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide.
  • You can make a whitening mouthwash by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda and one and a half teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with one cup of cold water. Rinse with the mouthwash two or three times a day.
  • You can also scrub your teeth gently for at least two minutes with diluted baking soda. Do this twice in the first week, and then every 15 days. It is essential to note that excess use of baking soda can strip your teeth of its natural enamel.
2. Orange Peel
Cleaning your teeth with fresh orange peel on a regular basis will reduce the yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth.
  • Rub orange peel over your teeth every night before going to sleep. The vitamin C and calcium in the orange peel will combat the microorganisms throughout the night.
  • Do this for a few weeks and you will notice effective results.
If fresh orange peel is not available, you can use dried orange peel powder.

3. Strawberries
Strawberries contain a good amount of vitamin C, which helps make your teeth whiter.
  • Grind a few strawberries into a paste. Rub the paste on your teeth gently. If done twice daily for a few weeks, the yellow tinge on your teeth will vanish.
  • Another option is to mix the pulp of one strawberry with one-half teaspoon of baking soda and spread the mixture onto your teeth and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth with toothpaste to get rid of any residue.
4. Hydrogen Peroxide
The mild bleaching effect of hydrogen peroxide can help make yellow teeth white again.
  • Rinse and gargle with a mouthwash that has hydrogen peroxide. Make sure not to swallow the hydrogen peroxide.
  • You can also make a paste of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and gently brush your teeth with it. Later, brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste.
Use hydrogen peroxide with extra caution as it can cause irritation of the gums and make your teeth sensitive.

 5. Lemon
The bleaching property present in lemons can also help get rid of yellow discoloration. In fact, gargling with lemon juice and scrubbing your teeth with lemon peel is one of the best ways to make your teeth white again.
  • Mix together a few drops of lemon juice and some salt.
  • Apply the mixture on the stained teeth and rub the paste vigorously over your teeth and gums. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
  • Do this twice daily for about two weeks to get rid of tartar and the yellow tinge.
6. Salt
Salt is one of the fundamental dental cleansing agents that has been used for ages. It helps replenish lost mineral content in the teeth and helps revive their white color.
  • You can use common salt regularly each morning as a tooth powder instead of toothpaste. Another option is to mix common salt with charcoal and brush your teeth with it regularly.
  • You can also mix common salt with baking soda and gently rub it on your teeth.
Be extra careful using salt as it can cause damage to your gums and tooth enamel if used roughly.

7. Holy Basil
The leaves of holy basil have whitening properties and can also protect your teeth from problems such as pyorrhea, an advanced form of periodontal disease.
  • Put a few leaves of holy basil in the sun for a few hours. When the leaves are dry, grind them into powder form. Mix the powder with your regular toothpaste and brush your teeth.
  • Another option is to make a paste of holy basil leaves and mustard oil and then use it to clean your teeth.
8. Apples
Eating a crunchy apple can scrub your teeth like a toothbrush and make them whiter.
  • Try to eat one or two apples daily to get rid of yellow stain accumulated on your teeth.
  • Chew it thoroughly so that the acidic nature of the apple and its fiber-rich rough flesh get ample time to work on your teeth.
You can also eat other crunchy food items such as raw carrots, cucumbers and broccoli.

9. Charcoal
Charcoal is one of the best known home remedies for yellow teeth. Charcoal has a powerful crystal-based chemical that whitens teeth.
  • Mix some charcoal powder with your regular toothpaste and gently brush your teeth.
  • Do this twice daily to make your teeth sparkling white.
If you don’t have charcoal, you can use the ashes of burnt bread and burnt rosemary to make your teeth whiter.

10. Margosa
You can also use neem or margosa to enjoy white, healthy teeth. Due to the astringent and antiseptic properties, regular use of margosa oil also helps get rid of bad breath and prevents dental cavities.
  • You can use margosa twigs as a toothbrush to brush your teeth. Chewing margosa branches also helps tackle teeth problems and remove yellow discoloring.
  • You can also mix margosa oil with your regular toothpaste and then brush your teeth.
Along with these remedies, you need to practice regular oral hygiene to enjoy positive results. If you do not get good results, you can consult a dentist.

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