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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Home Remedies for Tuberculosis

Here are the top 10 home remedies for tuberculosis.

1. Garlic
Garlic is rich in sulfuric acid that destroys the germs causing TB. It also contains allicin and ajoene, which have been found to inhibit bacterial growth. Plus, its antibacterial properties and immune-boosting effect are highly beneficial for a TB patient. Garlic can be eaten raw or cooked.
  • Mix together one-half teaspoon of chopped garlic, one cup of milk and four cups of water. Boil it until it is reduced to one–fourth of the volume. Drink the mixture three times daily.
  • Add 10 drops of garlic juice to a glass of hot milk and drink it before going to bed. Do not drink water afterwards, as it may diminish the beneficial effects.
  • Dice 10 cloves of garlic and boil them in one cup of milk. Eat the boiled pieces of garlic and then drink the milk. Do this daily for a few months.
2. Bananas
Bananas are an excellent source of nutrients and calcium that can help boost a TB patient’s immune system. They also can help alleviate the cough and fever.
  • Take a ripe banana, mash it and mix in one cup coconut water, one-half cup yogurt, and one teaspoon honey. Consume it twice daily.
  • Make raw banana juice and drink one glass of it daily.
  • You can also drink the juice of the banana plant stem to relieve symptoms like chronic cough, excess phlegm, excessive perspiration at night with a high fever and so on. Slowly sip one to two cups of banana stem juice every two hours until symptoms subside.
3. Drumstick
Drumstick has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help eliminate the TB-causing bacteria from the lungs and reduce inflammation resulting from the infection and constant coughing. Plus, drumstick pods and leaves are a good source of carotene, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C.
  • Boil a handful of drumstick leaves in one cup of water for five minutes.
  • Allow it to cool and add salt, pepper and lime juice.
  • Drink this daily in the morning on an empty stomach.
Also boiled drumsticks can be consumed daily to get relief from the infection.

4. Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The various nutrients in Indian gooseberry provide energy and enhance the body’s capacity to function properly.
  • De-seed three or four Indian gooseberries. Extract the juice with the help of a juicer.
  • Add one tablespoon of honey and mix it well.
  • Drink this every morning on an empty stomach.
Raw Indian gooseberry or its powder can also be consumed.

5. Oranges
Oranges have many essential minerals and compounds. Orange juice has a saline action in the lungs, which eases expectorations and protects the body from secondary infections. It can boost the immune system as well.
  • Add a pinch of salt and one tablespoon of honey to a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Mix it thoroughly.
  • Drink this twice daily, one glass in the morning and another in the evening.
6. Custard Apple
The rejuvenating properties in custard apple can also help in the treatment of tuberculosis. Usually the pulp of custard apple is used.
  • Boil the pulp of two custard apples and 25 seedless raisins in one and a half cups of water until one-third of the water is left.
  • Strain the mixture and add two teaspoons of powdered sugar and one-quarter teaspoon each of cardamom and cinnamon. Allow it to cool.
  • Drink this twice daily.
7. Black Pepper
Black pepper helps cleanse the lungs, which in turn helps alleviate chest pains associated with tuberculosis. Also due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce the inflammation caused by the bacteria and constant coughing.
  • Fry eight to 10 black peppercorns in clarified butter.
  • Add a pinch of asafoetida powder and allow the mixture to cool.
  • Divide the mixture into three equal parts and have one dose every few hours.
8. Walnuts
Walnuts act as a source of strength and boost the immune system of those suffering from tuberculosis. The various nutrients in walnuts can speed up the healing process.
  • Combine two teaspoons of crushed walnut powder and one teaspoon of garlic paste. Add one teaspoon of clarified butter and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Eat this once daily.
  • Walnuts can also be added in meals to keep the immune system strong.
9. Mint
Mint is very advantageous for treating tuberculosis due to its healing and antibacterial properties. This remedy will help dissolve mucus, revitalize body organs, and nourish the lungs as well as helping to prevent dangerous side effects of medicines taken for tuberculosis.
  • Mix one teaspoon of mint juice, two teaspoons of honey, two teaspoons of pure malt vinegar, and half a cup of carrot juice.
  • Divide the mixture into three equal parts, and drink one dose every few hours.
10. Green Tea
Green tea can help in the treatment of tuberculosis because of its high antioxidant content and immune-strengthening properties. It also contains polyphenol compounds that can inhibit the proliferation of the bacteria that causes the disease. Green tea leaves can be brewed with warm water to make a tea. If green tea leaves are not available, you can take them in capsule form easily found in the market. Explore more health benefits of green tea in this post. Tuberculosis should not be taken lightly. Proper medical treatment combined with home remedies can help to overcome this health problem.

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