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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Home Remedies for Gas

Here are the top 10 home remedies for gas.

1. Cinnamon
Cinnamon will soothe your stomach and also prevent further formation of gas.
  • Add one-half teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a cup of warm milk. Stir it well and then drink it. You can also add some honey.
  • Alternatively, you can make cinnamon tea by adding some cinnamon powder to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for a few minutes and then drink it.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar, used in the treatment of indigestion, can also help with gas. This remedy will soothe the stomach and give you instant relief. If apple cider vinegar is not available, you can try regular vinegar.
  • Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water.
  • Allow the water to cool to room temperature, and then drink it.
3. Ginger
Ginger is an effective indigestion treatment and is also great for relieving a gas problem.
  • Take equal parts of ground ginger, fennel, and cardamom. Mix them thoroughly. Now, take a cup of water. Add one teaspoon of this mixture and a pinch of asafetida (hing) in it. Drink this once or twice a day.
  • Alternatively, you can consume a little ginger juice mixed with a pinch of asafetida.
  • To prevent gas from forming, chew a fresh piece of ginger regularly after meals. You can also add small amounts of dried or fresh ginger to your food.
  • Drinking ginger tea can help control the formation of gas in the stomach. Boil one tablespoon of ground ginger in water for a few minutes. Drink this tea two or three times a day.
  • Another option is to add a few drops of ginger essential oil to any kind of base oil and rub it on your stomach.
4. Buttermilk
Buttermilk, especially when combined with carom seeds and black salt works as an excellent Ayurvedic remedy to relieve gas and flatulence.
  • Mix one teaspoon each of carom seeds (ajwain) and black salt in a cup of buttermilk. If you do not have carom seeds, use celery seeds.
  • Drink this solution.
5. Baking Soda and Lemon
One conventional home treatment for gas is the use of lemon and baking soda, which combined makes an effective antacid.
  • Put the juice of one fresh lemon in a glass and add some baking soda to it. This will cause fizzing. Add some more baking soda and a cup of water and stir it well so the baking soda dissolves completely. Drink this slowly.
  • For instant relief from stomach gas, you can add a small amount of baking soda to a glass of water and drink it on empty stomach.
6. Garlic
The pungent heating quality present in garlic helps stimulate the gastric fire and thus offers relief from stomach gas.
  • Try some garlic soup to reduce gas and help with proper digestion. For best results, use fresh garlic.
  • You can also boil some ground garlic in water for a few minutes, adding a small amount of black pepper and cumin seeds. Strain it and let it cool to room temperature. Drink this two or three times a day to see results in a few days.
7. Asafetida
Asafetida is also an effective remedy against gas. It has anti-spasmodic and anti-flatulent properties.
  • Just add a pinch of asafetida to a glass of warm water, mix it well and drink it two or three times a day.
  • You can also make a paste of asafetida by adding a little water. Apply the paste on the stomach and allow it to dry for a few minutes. Soon your gas will dissipate.
  • You can also put a small amount of asafetida into a ripe banana and eat it. Do this twice a day.
8. Fennel
Fennel is surely the best ingredient for fast relief from bloating and gas.
  • Add a few fennel seeds to a pot of hot water and let it simmer it for five minutes on a low temperature. Strain the solution and then drink it.
  • You can also chew fresh fennel leaves if you can bear the taste.
  • Alternatively, you can mix fennel, cardamom and mint leaves and boil them in water to make a concoction that can help with stomach gas.
9. Peppermint
Peppermint can be used in different ways to treat a gas problem.
  • Make tea by adding some fresh peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling water and letting it steep for a few minutes. Strain it and add some honey. Drink the tea two or three times a day.
  • You can also chew some peppermint leaves for quick relief.
  • Alternatively, you can put two drops of peppermint oil in one-half cup of cool water and drink it once or twice daily.
10. Cardamom
This is another common kitchen spice that can speed up digestion and give you relief from stomach gas.
  • Simply add some roasted cardamom powder to vegetables, rice or lentils before cooking to prevent gas.
  • You can also chew whole pods of cardamom two or three times a day to relieve stomach gas.
  • You can make a tea by steeping a few pods of cardamom along with a small slice of fresh ginger and one teaspoon of fennel in boiling water for several minutes. Drink this tea warm, several times a day.

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