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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Here are the top 10 home remedies for bad breath.

1. Fennel
Fennel contains antimicrobial properties that combat bad breath.
  • Slowly chew a tablespoon of fennel to freshen your breath and stimulate saliva production in your mouth.
  • Immediately after eating foods with strong odors, freshen your breath by chewing fennel seeds mixed with the seeds of other aromatic spices like cloves and cardamom.
2. Cinnamon
Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde, a kind of essential oil that not only just cover up bad breath, but it also actually reduces the amount of bacteria in your saliva. To treat bad breath follow this remedy twice daily.
  • Boil one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of water.
  • You may add some bay leaves and cardamom too.
  • Strain the solution and use it as a mouth rinse to refresh your breath.
3. Fenugreek
Fenugreek has properties which heal the conditions caused due to bad breath and respiratory tract problems. The herbal tea made from fenugreek seeds is beneficial for the bad breath and body odor.
  • Boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water.
  • Strain and drink this tea.
Fenugreek tea is highly effective when bad breath is caused by catarrhal infections.

4. Cloves
Cloves have powerful antiseptic properties that are very helpful in getting rid of bad breath.
  • The easiest method is to pop a few pieces of cloves into your mouth and chew them thoroughly. This will eliminate bad breath in a few minutes.
  • You can also make clove tea by putting three whole cloves in two cups of hot water and letting it steep for 20 minutes, stirring from time to time. You can drink the tea or use it as a mouthwash twice a day.
5. Parsley
Parsley contains chlorophyll that can help control bad breath.
  • Dip a handful of fresh parsley leaves in vinegar and chew them thoroughly for a minute or two.
  • You can also put parsley leaves through a juicer and sip the juice anytime you need to refresh your breath. The parsley will also aid digestion by reducing the production of intestinal gas.
6. Lemon Juice
Curing bad breath with a lemon rinse has been used for generations. The high acidic content in lemons prevents growth of bacteria on your tongue and gums. Just stir one tablespoon of lemon juice into a cup of water and rinse your mouth with it thoroughly. You can also add a bit of salt to it and rinse your mouth before going to bed. This remedy will help to solve the problem of dry mouth which is one of the main reasons behind bad breath.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Due to its acidic properties, apple cider vinegar makes a wonderful remedy for bad breath. You can try any of these remedies depending on your preference.
  • Stir one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink it before eating your meals. The vinegar will help in digestion as well as cure bad breath.
  • Drink one tablespoon of diluted apple cider vinegar after each meal.
  • Gargle with apple cider vinegar mixed in a cup of water.
8. Baking Soda
Baking soda is a great solution for getting rid of and preventing bad breath.
  • Brushing your teeth with baking soda will help reduce the acidity in your mouth and prevent bacteria from building up on your tongue.
  • You can also gargle with baking soda dissolved in warm water to kill odor-causing bacteria.
9. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties that act like a powerful disinfectant for your mouth. You can get the benefits from tea tree oil in a variety of ways.
  • Brush your teeth with a toothpaste containing tea tree oil.
  • Put a few drops of tea tree oil on your toothbrush along with your regular toothpaste.
  • Mix equal amounts of tea tree oil, peppermint oil and lemon oil in a glass of water and use it as a mouthwash.
10. Tea
The compound known as polyphenols found in both green and black tea can stop the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. You can opt for your normal cup of tea or make herbal tea with alfalfa. Chlorophyll found in alfalfa combats bad breath by helping clear toxins from the body. To make this herbal tea, put two teaspoons of dried alfalfa leaves in a cup of boiling water and steep for about 15minutes. Drink this herbal tea several times a day to keep your breath fresh.

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